How to register on Forsage

Literally to our review and what we see and confirm most people have been earning big from forsage and when I talk earn big I mean earning come from ethereum which some team put the hand together work with each so that they can make it in life and when said they make is they actually make it, list of the lower earnings I confirm on the platform work 100k plus view ethereum calculated in dollars $ so is high time you know what it’s takes to join and how you can be able to earn ethereum from this great platform which I know to be forsage.

Forsage Smart Contract Payment

Don’t prove me wrong am actually not hyping the platform just that to my own review most people have been successful people on this platform I mean the platform operates worldwide which people earn cryptocurrency from let get to know what forsage means.


What Is Forsage?

Forsage is a smart contract which was specifically launched to distribute more cryptocurrency (Ethereum)  to people which is second in the top list of any kind of cryptocurrency and it’s keep rising daily which by the end of this year statistics show it will be high and you know what we by that for does who know more about cryptocurrency when it got a high price in the market say they you stand a chance to earn big which I will like you to grab this opportunity now.

Forsage Smart Contract Not Scam

You can actually earn from forsage by carrying out some task which is about to explain to you after this paragraph but let me tell you this platform is real and it’s something that can never crash and it’s won’t to our own review because it’s something that keeps spilling over and over for all people that join to earn more ethereum in their wallet and one thing about this platform was that no delayed of payment once you earn ethereum it will directly be paid at once to your own personal wallet address which you make use of when registering.


How To Earn From Forsage

There are three different kinds of ways for you fo earn ethereum from forsage when you invest on the platform which we call big investment platform and we call it because you earn big from it as you stick with the platform, you can earn from forsage as listed below :


  1. Spillover: earning from forsage through spillover method simply works in a way which you earn from people around you and I mean the team which you registered under which is in any location or area in the country which entails Nigeria or from. Other countries like Russia, USA, India, UK, London, etc.  It matters a lot this team which you register from because the system allows people to earn irrespective through your up lines and others.
  2. Overflow: earning on forsage through overflow entails you earn from people who flow under you either through overflow or referrals which you can earn when you invest from forsage. It’s high time you think big and earns big online when you are at home.
  3. Referral: you simply know what this means you earn from people which you introduce forsage to and you all know that’s what all platforms did online go favors them and the people making use of the platform, so you can stand a chance to earn big when you join the referral team.

Alitech forsage team is actually fast-growing and earn platform which the referrals flows on a daily basis and earning through this platform can’t predict it’s depends how your team and active how they work things out just like Alitech forsage team, it’s an ethereum investment with the help of the smart contract.

Now it’s high time you know what it takes to be able to partake in forsage which are the requirements that we let you all know what you actually need to do this.


Requirements To Join Forsage Smart Contract

  • Blockchain account which you can do by getting a wallet from the blockchain ethereum wallet (trust wallet is recommended)
  • Download one from the play store if you don’t have an account.
  • Ethereum worth 0.065eth is needed which is equivalent to 7,000 in Nigeria currency for now but when you want to register its might rise again up to 7000, 7,200, or 7,500 due to some network charges.
    Forsage Smart Contract Review ethereum
    To activate the forsage account is just 0.05eth which is equivalent to 4,500 in Nigeria currency network fees and transfer of the ethereum take the rest. When you load the ethereum on your wallet and register to forsage, the rest will be available on your wallet if the network charge fees reduce but as of now you need 7000 to get your ethereum and activate your forsage account.
  • You can get ethereum from merchant companies which buy and sell cryptocurrency like luno,quidax ( quidax is recommendedfor now because luno as now implement some high charges and some high privacy whenever you want to buy and sell cryptocurrency from them).
  • So download quidaxcryptocurrency exchange platform app here or from play store for iOS users download from Apple Store.
  • After you’ve gotten the ethereum to buy ethereum worth of 7,000 or 7,500 and transfer it to your trust wallet using your ethereum wallet address.
  • You can also buy ethereum from people online which is the best and fastest way to buy and sell cryptocurrency online but be careful when you want to involve yourself in such transactions (Be smart and beware of scammers online).

When you get the above requirements you can then go ahead to join the platform using your trust WALLet which we are going to explain below now.


How To Register On Forsage Smart Contract

Once you’ve gotten the ethereum transferred to your trust wallet ethereum address you can then proceed with the forsage registration process by following the below steps.


Note: if you don’t have an idea about cryptocurrency before and you don’t know how to deal with the buy and sending of the ethereum to your trust wallet then let us know view the comments section we will guide you through from there.


  1. Now open your trust wallet ( before you do copy this link which is the link that will be used for registration.
  2. After the trust wallet as open below on the options menu bar click on the second button and specified below:
  3. Then go ahead and paste the link you just copy to the address bar and visit the site.
  4. The forsage platform will be open as shown below click on join now.

  5. After its load is complete make sure it corresponds to the below page view the screenshots with the specified code Referral ID: 55284.

  6. Now go ahead and click on automatic registration.

  7. Approve anything you are asked to approve then after the approval is successful.
  8. Wait for some minutes then you will be redirected to your own personal forsage page.
  9. Which is specified as your forsage dashboard.
    Forsage payment without referral

By following the above step you have successfully been a member of forsage under the Alitech team all you have to do now is to visit the forsage telegram bot that you can use to monitor transactions on your forsage ethereum wallet.


How To Activate Forsage Telegram Bot For Ethereum Transactions Monitoring


  • Click here then you will be redirected to the forsage bot inbox.
  • Hit the button start then it will lead you through on what to do.
  • Copy your forsage or trust wallet ethereum wallet and send it to the not when you are ask to do so.

We’ve actually witnessed the payment method and how they pay with some video proofs, chat screenshots, and payment slip directly from the trust wallet and forsage dashboard.

We will provide you with some payment proof and testimony from forsage which also one of our noble Instagram celebrities invested on the coin view the platform and he shared some testimony of happiness and joined known to be lasisi elenu in Nigeria the platform actually pays well if the team is active and working as stated.

Thing To Note About Forsage Smart Contract

  1. It’s not necessary to the referral on forsage yes you can still earn if you don’t referral anybody as shown below :
  2. If you refer anybody and join hands with your team you stand a chance to earn big and fast to your wallet.
  3. Forsage is not a pyramid, it’s a platform which makes people earn ethereum and accumulate through several methods that were stated above.
  4. Ethereum is increasing every day by day. The faster you join the faster you start to earn big, it’s a big investment indeed.
  5. As of last most registration fees were 5000 worth of ethereum equivalent to Nigeria currency but now 7,500 due to the increment of ethereum on a daily basis.
  6. So it’s recommended you should invest fast on it if you wish to.
  7. Forsage platform can never cash because there is nothing on the platform that can make it crash, this platform operates globally to server all it’s members’ token ethereum.
  8. This smart contract has been in hesitance for long but was just brought to our notice recently and they operate worldwide which means you can also earn from other countries view the spillover and overflow.
  9. The high level you determine how much ethereum that will be added to your wallet.
  10. Which means forsage have different kinds of level from level 2 to 12 which higher-level stand a chance to move to the next level.
  11. You can only move to the next level when you invite people to the platform view your link three 3 people per level.
  12. As you move to the next level the number of people to referral before you can move to the other level too will increase.
  13. The more you team up the more you earn big.
Is there anything left we still have to talk about or something that we are supposed to mention and we doesn’t do?


Think big, earn big and invest in cryptocurrency, that’s how bitcoin came from the low price which now in higher price one of the topmost valuable and expensive cryptocurrency so far, don’t let this opportunity pass you by.


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